
The authors agree that if the paper is accepted for oral/ poster presentation, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper at the conference venue. The registration fee (inclusive of 18% GST) is given below for your reference:
Students 9000 200
Academicians/Industry Delegates 10000 300
Accompanying person 3000 100
Group Registration* 35000 1200
*The group registration is only applicable to conference attendees i.e. non authors/presenters for a group of five person. Important Instructions:
  1. For successful registration, at least one author should register before the deadline.
  2. Registration fee includes participation at the conference, food, conference kit and one-day gala dinner.
  3. Boarding and lodging will be borne by participants only.
  4. After payment, note down the transaction ID and save a snapshot of the payment. Transaction ID and snapshots are required for registration.
  5. A presentation certificate will be issued to the presenter only.
  6. If multiple papers are accepted for publication and presentation by the same author(s), each paper requires a registration fee to be included in the proceedings.
  7. Do not inquire about registration status via email/ phone. You will be notified via email once the payment information is updated with us from the finance section.